Fashion illustrations of the day- a touch of red goes a long way vs. all red styling (How to wear red accents vs. how to wear an all red outfit?)

How to style red accents?

If you want to play it safe, you can always pair red accents with a monochrome or black and white combinations. If you feel a bit more bold, why not wear them with something a bit more colourful? Today I have prepared two fashion illustrations for you (both drawn with coloured pencils in case anyone is wondering about the medium) that are all about red accessories. In addition, I prepared two illustrations that are all about putting together an all red outfit, but first things first.

If you ask me, a touch of red always goes a long way. As I said, today I'm sharing two fashion illustrations that are dominated by red details. I would definitely say that the red heels are the eye-catcher in this first (illustrated) outfit I'm sharing. What is more gorgeous than seeing heels paired with a coat in winter time? However, I do love to see coats paired with flats as well. Maybe I just love coats. On second thought, maybe I just love fashion. Yup, that could be it. I love clothes & I love fashion.


#heels #fashion #modnailustracija #bojice #modaodaradosti


In the second outfit, the red accent happens to be a lovely bag. I don't have a lot of bags (I'm not a bag lady) in my closet, but among those that I own, there are a few of red ones. Do you like red bags? Do you like red accents? If yes, how do you like to wear them? Red accessories are always fun but when it comes to red accents, somehow something unrelated to clothes (shocking I know) comes to my mind and that special something is a classical red lip. Probably the easiest way to dress up any outfit is to put on a red lip. I don't know what it is about this particular colour, but red lipstick always seem to add a bit of confidence to any outfit. Is the red lip really the easiest and the most affordable (as long as you're staying away from designer make up) way to look instantly fashionable? I can't say for sure, but it could be the case. What do you think? Do you wear a red lip?


#redlip #redbag #modaodaradosti #fashionillustration

#rosepedals #art #drawing #pencildrawing #modnailustracija

All red outfits- How to style an all red outfit? 

I made two fashion illustrations as an answer to the question of how to style an all red outfit. In the first illustration I drew a red jumpsuit. I drew these two fashion illustrations from my head, but you can probably find similar (but not exactly the same) outfits in a store. Alternatively, you can also print out these illustrations, take them to your seamstress and say- this is what I want. My husband advised me against sharing my fashion illustrations online. He says everyone can use and copy my designs that way. Well, that's certainly true but I'm not sure I would terribly mind that (yet). Besides, I still have a few fashion illustration I want to share before I take a moment to think about that. 

Fashion illustrations of the day- a touch of red goes a long way vs. an all red styling


Fashion illustrations of the day- a touch of red goes a long way vs. all red styling

What would you rather wear: a red dress or a red jumpsuit? I think both of these can be just as fun. Red dresses come up in a variety of styles and so do the red jumpsuits. Here I illustrated a flared jumpsuit because I'm a huge fan of those, but red pencil style jumpsuit would be just as stunning. Similarly, I illustrated a cocktail red dress, but a long red dress is a wonderful choice as well. Do you have any ideas about sporting an all red outfit? Do you have a favourite shade of red?   The medium for these two illustrations is also coloured pencils on paper. All four illustrations are done in a similar style, but for the first one (to be more precise for the coat on the first illustration) I used a multi-coloured pencil that was given to me and man are those things hard to use or what! I'm not sure I'll try drawing with that one any time soon. These illustrations aren't terribly detailed or polished, but as far as fashion sketches/drawings are considered I think they do just fine.  In addition, I played with rose pedals a bit, but no need to mention that, as you can see all of that yourself. That would be all for today. Thank you for reading.

#ladyinred #fashionillustration

Fashion illustrations of the day- a touch of red goes a long way vs. all red styling


Fashion illustrations of the day- a touch of red goes a long way vs. all red styling


#floraldress #rosepedals #latice


  1. My pick goes to the red jumper! xoxo

  2. wonderful post:)
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  3. Hey Ivana, so good to see you back on the blog!

    Being honest I really missed your posts, your blog is one of my favs in the blogging world due to its honesty and creativity :) Hope you can be here for a long time and hope you can feel better with time also! Sending you the best vibes for the new year that is just starting.

    And thanks for all these inspiring drawings, the most thing I love about your illustrations is that you don't limit your art to a pencil or to a pen, you always go beyond with experimentation, techniques and materials. Actually I'm currently obsessed with red color and I'm looking for some clothes in this color, I just think the power it transmits is really intense!

    All the best for this new year and hugs from Barcelona

  4. I love red and pink combinations, it is an absolute favorite of mine, you gave me lots of ideas and of course as always it was such a pleasure reading your posts, you have a gift for writing

  5. Hey lovely, I missed you sooo much! I am so sorry that I haven't reached out to you sooner, I had a very busy/stressful couple of months myself, but I am trying to get back into the swing of things a little, as of the new year. How are you feeling, hun? It felt so strange not being able to read new posts on your blog for so long - the blogosphere was definitely an empty place without you! I am glad that you're back now lovely, and I do hope you're feeling better. <3 xoxo

    And yes, I do think that a red lip is one of the best ways to look instantly fashionable! Gorgeous art. <3 xoxo


  6. Anche a me piace molto un tocco di rosso nei look, riesce a dare grinta e vivacità anche ad un'outfit spento!
    Un tuta rossa non so se la metterei, però un'abito sicuramente sì!
    Sempre davvero creative ed originalile tue illustrazioni, mi piace soprattutto la prima, con il contrasto tra azzurro e rosso!

  7. Hey welcome back Ivana, I was missing your post. Very nice to see you back here. Love these illusions. I hope you are feeling better. Happy New Year my dear <3 Kisses <3

  8. Wow! you always amaze me with your talent dearest! love these new flower illustrations. How lucky are those lovely ladies who have inspired you to create more art. All love for you my dear!
    Have a great week ahead!

    love lots,

  9. I love the way you presented these tips! Red is definitely color that you don't have to wear from head to toe for it to make an impact and it's great to see all these options :D

  10. Mnogo mi se dopadaju tvoje ideje i ilustracije. <3

  11. Beautiful ilustrations! You are so creative, love that red jumpsuit!

    Wishing you Happy New Year!


  12. Well, red is my favorite color, dear Ivanna, and I love coats, bags, shoes, all red! Loved your illustrations and with flower petals, even better! I would rather wear a red dress, because jumpsuits are not the best for me... I do have one, but never had the opportunity to wear it... you gave me some inspiration! Hope you enjoy a nice week, dear Ivana, may you enjoy it a lot!

  13. Hello, thanks for the information. Excellent post (as always)! xx

  14. dear Ivana, how beautiful is this??? so cute and elegant are these paintings!

    "What would you rather wear: a red dress or a red jumpsuit?" - i think i would wear a red dress. i buy lately a kind of an black jump suit, actually it is a black catsuit, because this thing is a little bit tight. my problem is, i dont know what i wear to this...;-(

    i think i should show this piece of fashion on my blog and request for ideas...



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