Fashion illustration of the day/ Modna ilustracija dana 11.10.2016.

Today I'm sharing another fashion illustration with you. Once again it is a pencil drawing. This one depicts a purple haired lady wearing an orange dress with an interesting purple detail. I'm not sure what the inspiration for this one was, but I've been wearing orange a bit more often lately. It seems like a perfect Autumn colour to me. Thank you all for your lovely comments on my last post . It was really interesting to read what you thought about smiling. That's all for today, it's almost midnight, so no long texts this evening:). Tomorrow is a new today, so who knows? Danas dijelim još jednu modnu ilustraciju s vama. Još jednom radi se o crtežu bojicama. Ovaj prikazuje damu ljubičaste kose koja nosi narančastu haljinu s zanimljivim ljubičastim detaljom. Nisam sigurna što je bilo nadahnuće, ali u zadnje vrijeme nosim dosta narančaste. Čini mi se kao idealna jesenja boja. Hvala vam na divnim komentarima u prošloj objavi , bilo je zanimljivo pročitati što ...