Hello! I'm back with another Friday Fashion Illustration post. Some time ago when I decided to get into fashion illustration art more seriously, I didn't know what I really wanted or what I needed to do. I knew what I didn't want, though- and that is for my illustrations to look like everyone's else. Most of my blog readers (even those who joined in fairly recently) have had the chance to observe my fashion illustration journey. There were some misses along the way, but over the years I have learned a thing or two. I've experimented a lot over the years and I plan to continue doing so. The way I look at it is that every fashion illustration I do either teaches me something new or establishes something I already know. Today I have five new fashion illustrations to share with you. Two of them are designer looks and the other three are my original designs. The medium for all of these is watercolour pencils on mixed media paper. I also added digital touches to some o...