Painting (and outfit) of the day/ Slika i odjevna kombinacija dana
Samilosne oči / Merciful eyes new painting/ nova slika I can't say that I have a preferred medium when it comes to painting. However, I must disagree with those that say that acrylic paints are just like oil paints just a modern version. Nothing is like oil paints. I like painting with both acrylic and oils, but there is clearly a difference. I'm not saying one paints are better than others, for some paintings acrylics may be more suitable than oils. Furthermore, I have quite a few acrylic paintings that I hold dear. The need to write this might be just my reaction to acrylic paints being advertised as the new oil paints. I feel that oil paints have a special kind of warmth to them and that's why I'm somewhat saddened by the fact they're not widely used. I would hate it if the only reason was just because somebody convinced them it is reserved only for professional painters. Sure, oil paints are more expensive, smelly and tak...