Hello readers and fellow bloggers. Another day, another book review. Today I'll be reviewing a book I finished yesterday: Ill Wind by Nevada Barr. I don't remember when exactly I started it (without making much progress) but it was a while ago, maybe at the start of this summer. I forgot all about it until the cover grabbed my attention yesterday when I picked it up again and thought to myself: 'Why not?' This was my first novel by Nevada Barr. To be honest, I haven't even heard of her before. I must have picked up this book in Jelsa, where there are these wood boxes for book exchange (great ideas if you ask me, all cities should have them). I'm glad I picked this book up. Ill Wind proved to be a lovely read. It's a murder mystery set in a national park. The heroine of the novel is Anna Pigeon, a park ranger. Now, apparently there is a whole series featuring Anna Pigeon and this novel is the third one in the series. However, I think Anna Pigeon books can b...