For the love of flowers...Za ljubav prema cvijeću....(Buna, BIH)

In my last post I showed you how flowers can play well with fashion illustrations. Today I'm going to show you how to wear a floral print in a casual way. I'm a big fan of a floral print for a number of reasons. One of them is certainly their eye-catching appeal. However, sometimes I feel like rocking the floral print in a more subtle way. Not every outfit needs to be a fashion statement, right? Sometimes we feel like taking it easy. How to dress florals down? What I like to do is to wear one floral item with colours that are either more neutral or (and) those that are a nice match with the colour that is present on the floral item in question. When I want to wear florals without drawing too much attention to the look, I stay away from the flashy accessories and keep it simple. Anyhow, that's my way to make the floral print more appropriate for every day wear. If you're looking for more inspiration, you can see how I styled this floral dress (yes, it's actually a...