Inspired by...Nadahnuta s....Ivana

Today's illustration is inspired by Ivana from bambolai blog (check out her blog here ). I placed the video first because....You might not believe this, but I actually managed to misplace this illustration. So, the only place where you can see the final version (for now at least) is the video I've shared. I've been trying to find it for two days and no luck so far. That doesn't mean that today all you will get to see is this video. I will also share this photograph from my Instagram profile but that's not the final version. The final version is somewhere in my home, but where exactly I have no idea. I hope I will manage to find it before I do my annual recap of fashion illustrations inspired by fashion bloggers ( I'm really looking forward to that one). Are you? Današnja ilustracija je nadahnuta s Ivanom s bloga bambolai (svratite to njenoga bloga tu ). Prvo sam stavila video jer...Vjerovali il ne uspjela sam zagubiti ovu ilustraciju. Tako da je jedino...