June (cell phone pics)/ Lipanj (slike s mobitela)

I was thinking about doing a recap/summary of the past month but then I decided against it. There are still lots of outfits from June that I didn't share but that is not the reason. I thought it might be fun to share a few photographs from my cell phone. Razmišljala sam da napravim neki pregled/ sažetak lipnja, ali sam se predomislila, ne zbog toga što ima dosta odjevnih kombinacija koje još nisam promijenila, nego jer mi se čini zabavnije podijeliti neke fotografije s mobitela. destress with soparnik / oslobodite se stresa pomoću soparnika This June I discovered that you can transport yourself to heaven with less than a euro. How? Buy a slice of Soparnik, traditional Croatian dish. This dish originating from Republic of Poljica ( I've written about it here ). It is prepared in a really complicated way and that makes it even more precious. Imitations of it are sold in some bakeries but nothing tastes like the real stuff. So, if you happen to find yoursel...