If there is one outfit that screams spring and summer for me, it's dresses worn with sneakers. Naturally, dresses and sandals is another lovely pairing, but sneakers also have many benefits. From being orthopedic (not all of them but still) to being appropriate for all kind of terrains, there is no denying that sneakers are practical. You can take them anywhere, from a rock beach to a sandy one. You can pair them fun socks or tights for those days it's still not warm enough. Long story short, they do make for a lovely choice in this season. What are your thoughts? Do you like to wear sneakers in spring and summer? My last post was about styling dad sneakers with jeans and a blazer , and today I'll show you some of my favourite sneaker and dress combinations. If you ask me, the answer to the question can I wear dresses with sneakers is - yes, you absolutely can. THE FEMININE APPEAL OF THE DRESS AND SNEAKER COMBO I find that while androgynous style has its ben...