Book recommendation and review / Preporuka knjige i ogled (Guy de Maupassant, Mont-Oriol)
Everyone has probably heard of Guy de Maupassant, a naturalist French writer that is considered to be a master of a short story form. If you google him, you will have no problems finding his short stories, they're available on many online sites. In addition, copy laws don't apply anymore, so you can read them online or even print them out without feeling guilty. He really is the master of short story, so I do think this is something you should do if you love literature. In addition, short stories are great for those crazy days when finding some free time seems impossible. Svi ste vjerovatno čuli za Guy de Maupassanta, naturalističkog francuskog pisca kojeg smatraju majstorom kratke priče. Potražite li ga internetu, bez problema ćete pronaći njegove kratke priče, koje su dostupne na brojnim internetskim stranicama, a kako su prava izdavača i pisca davno istekla, slobodno ih čitajte pa i isprintajte sebi bez krivnje. On je doista majstor kratke priče pa mislim da je to nešto...