tartan ski jacket / karirana skijaška jakna

Are you an impulsive buyer? Usually, I'm not but when I saw this ski-jacket last year I decided it is just what I need. I was in one of those shops that specialize in quality sportswear, trying on a pair of sneakers that didn't fit when this jacket caught my eye. Well, you might have noticed know how I feel about tartan so the pattern was what attracted my attention initially. What would I do with a ski jacket? I asked myself. I never go skiing and I abhor snow. However, this jacket has proven to be such a practical item of clothing. I wore it often last winter and I plan to do so again. Ski clothing is usually of very good quality, made to be protect against the cold while being light enough so you can move (or ski) effortlessly. So, if you happen to see a ski jacket you like, by all means buy it. *btw what do you think about these kind of posts where one item of clothing is presented? Jeste li impulzivni kupac? Ja obično nisam, ali k...