My fashion illustration of the day/ Moja modna ilustracija dana 22.11.2013.

Good morning everyone! Today I have a new fashion painting for you. Once again, the medium is watercolours on paper, but I added some finishing touches with markers. I won't write much today, because I'm down with a cold, but I did manage to upload something. Dobro jutro svima. Danas imam još jednu modnu sliku za vas. Još jednom, medij su vodene bojice na papiru, ali zadnjih par poteza dodala sam markerom. Danas neću naširoko pisati, jer me uhvatila neka viroza, ali uspjela sam objaviti nešto. WATERCOLOUR So, this is the original painting done only with watercolours. The inspiration for it was this outfit . I think I mentioned a few times how much I love this long black cardigan. Painting it was fun! AKVAREL Dakle, ovo je ...