When a bird ceases to love(outfit post)/ Kada ptica prestane voljeti (odjevna objava)
I was planning to post more photographs of yesterday's outfit, but I'm having problems with my connection so instead of that here is a neutral outfit I wore some time ago. As you may know, usually my outfits are quite colourful. However, occasionally I prefer the elegance of neutral colours. The white scarf was enough for this outfit not to feel 'overly dark' to me. In addition, this outfit seems to go well enough with this poem by Vesna Parun, that I translated for you. The poem is as you will notice quite serious and perhaps even a bit depressive, but I see it more as a fair warning of what happens when we bury our pains instead of fighting and surviving them. Planirala sam objaviti još fotografija jučerašnje odjevne kombinacije, ali imam problema s vezom pa umjesto toga evo jedne neutralne kombinacije koju sam nosila prije nešto vremena. Kao što znate, obično je moj izbor nešto šarenije. Ipak, povremeno mi se sviđa elegancija neutralnih boja. Bijeli šal j...