Hello dear readers! How are you? Today I'll blog about nature park Blidnje (#notsponsored), one of the most beautiful protected nature parks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. If you're a nature lover planning on visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina, this protected area is a must see. We visited it during one Sunday in August. Don't ask me which Sunday, I didn't keep track. This August is just flying by, I can't believe how fast this summer is passing us by. It always happens when I devote time to my art as I have been doing lately. Scroll down to read more about nature park Blidinje. WHAT TO SEE AND DO IN BLIDINJE NATIONAL PARK? READ ABOUT MY PREVIOUS VISITS TO NATURE PARK BLIDINJE: Nature park Blidinje as a whole is definitely worth a visit. I don't like to repeat myself on this little place of mine, so you're more than welcomed to have a look at my previous posts if this subject is of interest to you: 1. PROTECTED AREAS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: NATURE PARKS BLID...