Red accents/ Crveni naglasci
I don't know why but wearing ripped jeans always makes me feel quite fabulous. Now, if you add some red accents, some bohemian touches and some faux fur into the mix, then you end up with what is essentially a 'feel good' outfit. It is all of my favourite decades (sixties, seventies and nineties) rolled up into one. It is the kind of outfit I feel best in. This is what I would call urban glam. It is a casual combo, but very far from being boring. That's my sentiment about it anyway. Ne znam zašto, ali nošenje iskidanih traperica uvijek učini da se osjećam poprilično fantastično. Dodate li tome crvene naglaske, malo boemskoga štiha i malo eko krzna, onda završite s nečim u čemu se osjećate jako dobro. To je nešto kao sva moja omiljena desetljeća (šezdesete, sedamdesete i devedesete) u jednom. To je onakva kombinacija u kojoj se najbolje osjećam. Ovo je ono što bi nazvala urbanim glamurom. Ležerno je, ali opet sve samo ne dosadno. Barem ja tako mislim. ...