blue and green (outfit post)/ plava i zelena (odjevna kombinacija)

inspirational collage/ kolaž inspiracije I do love the combo of blue and green. That is my favourite thing about this outfit. The jewelry that I like so much (the diy necklace and Selena Kuhl bracelet) are actually the same as the in the last outfit because the shots were taken on the same (very busy) day. The wedges are made from cork and are the most comfortable shoes ever! I don't think there will be much outfit posts this month (it's hard for me to organize that but I might as well post this photos since they happened to be taken), so you're much more likely to see more of my illustrations and stuff like that. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Sviđa mi se kombinacija plave i zelene. To mi je najdraža stvar kod ove kombinacije. Nakit koji mi se jako sviđa je zapravo isti kao i onaj iz prošlog posta s odjevnom kombinacijom, a to je zato jer su oba slikana na isti (jako naporni i zauzeti) dan. Cipele su od pluta i tako su udobne! Mislim da neće biti puno o...