Kravice falls - rainy vs. sunny (travel post) / Slapovi Kravice...kad je kiša i kad je sunce (putopis)

Kravice Falls...the place to visit, no matter the season (or the weather conditions). Even when it's rainy, it's a special and beautiful place to be. I guess I could have named this post "one location, five outfits" but really the emphasis is on location today. Perhaps I should have titled this post four seasons because I have presented them all: winter, spring, summer and autumn. I won't write much, because I'm sharing quite a few photographs (20 if I counted them right), I'll just say this place always makes me feel unreasonable happy . I mean I've been to many beautiful places, yet this one has a special place in my heart. Slapovi Kravice, to mjesto vrijedi posjetiti bez obzira na vremenske prigode. Čak i kada pada kiša biti tamo je prelijepo i posebno. Mogla sam nazvati post i "jedno mjesto pet odjevnih kombinacija#( ili koliko već), ali stvarno je naglasak na mjestu, ne na onome što nosim. ...