EN Planinica is a name of a lovely hill overlooking Mostar city. It was featured on my blog a number of times. I definitely do recommend visiting it, especially if you find yourself in this area. It is only a short drive from Mostar city and the views are nothing short of spectacular. If you're lucky you might even encounter wild animals. I've talked about this place more than once, and do feel free to check out those old posts if you want to know more ( here , here , here and here are some of them). Today I'll be showing you my outfit (and share some tips about styling leopard print) and the photographs I took while we were there. Scroll down to see and read more. HR Planinca je brdo iznad Mostara. Pokazivala sam ga na blogu više puta. Svakako ga preporučavam posjetiti, pogotovo ako se nađete u blizini. Nalazi se nadomak Mostara, automobilom se možete dovesti za čas, a vidici su stvarno predivni. Ukoliko imate sreće možete čak i susresti divlje životinje. Govorila sam...