
Showing posts from February 14, 2015

Wind of change (outfit post)/ Vjetar promjene (odjevna objava)

Take me  to the magic of the moment on a glory night where the children of tomorrow dream away in the wind of change....                                                                 Scorpions, Wind of Change Saturday morning and the time seems to have stopped, perhaps because I've had such an eventful and high paced week full of hard decisions. However, the last week was also filled with hope and time spend with loved ones, so I'm not complaining at all. All these photographs were taken about a week ago, the location for the shooting being Mostarsko blato near Mostar city, Bosnia and Herzegovina. S ubota je ujutro i čini se da je vrijeme stalo, možda zato jer je prošli tjedan bio ispunjen događajima i obavezama, teškim odlukama, ali i nadom i dragocjenošću vremena prov...