New Fashion Illustration + Places To See Near Mostar

Hi, there! Today I'm back with some new fashion drawings and location recommendations. First, I'll show you some new designs I've been working on and then I talk a bit about Planinica and Goranci . Both of these locations were featured on this blog often enough, but once more can't hurt, right? Besides, don't you love these views? I always loved mountain views. What about you? This double fashion illustration portraying two ladies in mermaid gowns was a result of insomnia. Chronic paint makes it hard for me to get a good night sleep. Not getting any sleep makes my pain worse. Living with a severe autoimmune illness feels like a vicious circle at the best of times. I can't take pain killers because that will upset my already weaken digestive system (or what's left of it after the resection operation) and being in pain all the time makes it impossible for me to rest. Not to mention that I also have fever- all the time. So, you can imagine how wonderful...