Instagram sum up / Instagram sažetak @modaodaradosti

POST UPDATE: I ACTUALLY DELETED MY INSTAGRAM YEARS AGO! What I used to publish on my Instagram? You can see that below. If you followed me there, nothing is lost. You can still find and see my photography here on my blog. AND NOW BACK TO THE ORIGINAL POST.... I don't do Instagram recaps every month because I tend to forget to do it, so this 'little' sum up is a compilation of a few months. Ne radim Instagram presjeke svakoga mjeseca jer nekako to uvijek zaboravim, tako da je ova "mala" kompilacija nešto što se nakupilo tijekom nekoliko mjeseci. 1/4 DIY Christmas card project / božične čestitke koje sam sama radila 3. Buna, Autumn vibes (capture the little moments) / Buna, jesen i uhvati te male trenutke filozofija 4. Enchanted garden....Friar's church and monastery in Mostar / Čarobni vrt....fratarska crkva i samostan u Mostaru 1. Off shoulder fashion illustration, medium: crayons on paper / gola ramena, modna ilustracija, pastelne bojei ...