It's Friday and you know what that means. Time for another Friday Fashion Illustration - a regular feature on my blog where I post my original fashion illustrations. Today I stole half an hour to illustrate something that I actually wore today. . I have been doing a lot of fine landscape painting lately, so a quick fashion illustration felt almost like a break. So, in a way I took a break from the more ambitious paintings I have been working on lately to draw this simple fashion sketch and some other ones. When I'm in hurry like this, I like to use watercolour pencils because the sketching and the colouring process can be fairy quick. I'm also trying to use reference more (as you might have noticed) in my drawing. Moreover, today I'll share another fashion illustration with you and that one is of an older outfit I wore back here in 2016. Both of these illustrations were drawn with watercolour pencils (from Staedtler) in one of my larger sketchbooks. Scroll down and ...