Sunset in Split city + outfit of the day (jeans and biker boots)

Today I'll be sharing another quick post and this will be my last outfit post for this month. Tomorrow I'll do a little January recap and that'll be that for this month. The outfit I'm sharing today is a casual one. A pair of jeans and biker boots- it doesn't get more casual than that. Besides this casual winter outfit today I'll also be sharing a few photographs of my lovely home town. Just a few though. This outfit I wore for one of those rare walks by the sea last year. I had spend the last Autumn in Split, but most of the time I was either in and out of hospitals or in bed so I didn't get to enjoy my home town that much. Because of my health condition of the time, walks were a rarity. There were a few of them, however, and they made me see how precious beauty can be. Needless to say, they reinforced my love for the sea. I do love the sea. I will never forget how happy I was to be able to go for a stroll by the sea that time. It's the little thing...