My fashion illustration of the day (femininity) / Moja modna ilustracija dana (ženstvenost) 29.11.2016

What is femininity for you? For me it is more about how we wear clothes, than in the clothes themselves. Today's medium is coloured pencil on paper. Što je vas ženstvenost? Za mene ona je više u tome kako nosimo odjeću, nego u samoj odjeći. Današnji medij su bojice na papiru. COLOUR OF THE DAY: PURPLE, BLACK AND BLUE ACCORDING TO WIKIPEDIA, PURPLE IS THE COLOUR OF FEMINITY, ESPECIALLY WHEN COMBINED WITH PINK Purple is a color similar in appearance to violet light. In the RYB color model historically used in the arts, purple is a secondary color created by combining red and blue pigments. In the CMYK color model used in modern printing, purple is made by combining magenta pigment with either cyan pigment, black pigment, or both. In the RGB color model used in computer and television screens, purple is created by mixing red and blue light in ord...