Personally, I'm quite happy about the suit trend for I'm a big fan of suits. I have already wrote about this trend on my blog here and here . Today I have an outfit proposal that is suitable for a number of occasions. A nice suit can take you from a business meeting to a nice lunch/brunch. There is undoubtedly something empowering about wearing a suit. If you want to make your suit styling more feminine, a good way to do so is to opt for a skirt suit. Now, skirt suits usually leave us more exposed to the cold but you can combat this by wearing tights (or even leggings) and boots. This pair of heeled caramel boots has served me well previous winters and I plan to wear this pair this spring as well. Nothing like a good heeled boots to add some chic and attitude to your outfit. Once the spring finally arrives, you can pair your suits with sandals. I'm sure we all can't wait for the spring to arrive, especially with the corona virus and everything but until it does, it ma...