
Showing posts from June 16, 2014

ptičica/ baby bird

Urban and natural are words that seem to have the opposite meanings, antonyms really....terms that we usually separate. In doing so we often forget how often nature creeps into our urban dwellings. This blue eyed baby bird reminded me of it. Isn't it beautiful?  For once in the right time in the right place. I was so happy that I had my cam with me that I didn't mind putting down all the heavy grocery bags from the bazaar to take a photo. Urbano i prirodno su riječi za koje se čini da imaju posve različita značenja, antonimi....izrazi koje većinom odvajamo. Čineći to zaboravljamo kako se ponekad priroda uvuče u naša urbana mjesta. Ova mala ptičica plavih očiju me podsjetila na to. Zar nije predivna? Konačno sam se našla u pravo vrijeme na pravom mjestu. Bilo mi je tako drago što imam fotoaparat uz sebe i nije mi bilo nimalo teško spustiti teške vrećice s pazara da bi je uslikala.

purple dress (illustration) ljubičasta haljina (ilustracija)

ilustracija/ illustration coloured pencils bojice coloured pencils+ water colours and markers Bojice, vodene i kava Another illustration made with colour pencils, markers, water colours and coffee. You might say I use whatever comes handy and you wouldn't be far from the truth. Yesterday I made a lot of illustrations using a pen and acrylic colours and soon enough you'll see those too. I think I will be painting and drawing a lot more now that summer is here. Još jedna ilustracija s bojicama, flomasterima, vodenim bojama i kavom. Moglo bi se reći da se koristim s a svim što mi dođe pod ruku. Jučer sam napravila puno crteža s akrilnim bojama i kemijskom pa ćete uskoro i to vidjeti. Mislim da ću puno više crtati i slikati sada kada je ljeto stiglo. POST UPDATE 2025 IF YOU ENJOY FASHION ILLUSTRATION, YOU CAN HAVE A LOOK AT ALL THE TIMES I ILLUSTRATED D&G:  1. OBVIOUSLY THE D&G FASHION ILLUSTRATIONS FROM SPRING 2021  2. FASHION ILLUSTRATIONS...