
Showing posts from July 7, 2013

DIY necklace+ outfit post/ Ogrlica koju sam izradila i jedna odjevna kombinacija

Neretva river. It seems suitable that the location for this post be the same as my inspiration for this is after all made with a piece of stone from this place (plus a bit of fimo and a satin cord). Enough about the necklace for I'm sure that as you stroll down you'll be distracted by something else. There may be words "necklace", "DIY" and "outfit" in the title but I think it is obvious who the star of today's post is...and it is not me. Yup, it's my dog. I've always been more a cat then a dog person (though I always loved dogs, cats have a special place in my heart) yet...this little girl stole my heart. What can I say? My new puppy is growing as fast as a dire wolf. Being so cute she is quite a spot light thief. Not that I mind. xoxo Rijeka Neretva...čini se prikladnim da mjesto snimanja bude isto kao moje nadahnuće za ovu ogrlicu, koja je  i napravljena od komada kamena s ovog mjesta...