Black Maxi Dress For Spring + Visit To Bunica (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Hello darlings! My outfit proposal of the day may seem a bit unusual for Spring, but I think it works just fine. I shared this vintage maxi dress on the blog last month ( here ), but I'm not sure have I shared with you the story of this dress or not. So, here it goes, a family member had this dress custom made for her prom many years ago, and since she is not the same size anymore, she decided to give it to me. I've been wearing it pretty often and I think it's absolutely beautiful. I couldn't resist customizing it a bit, so I did a bit of floral embroidery work on it. I absolutely love doing classical embroidery, but all that work with the needle is very hard on the hands as well as time consuming, so I don't do it as often as I would like to. I'm actually hoping that I'll be able to continue the embroidery floral work on this dress. Right now the part with embroidery is not that large, it's more of a cute detail, but I'll try to make it much larg...