Fashion Illustration Friday Talk : 10 Ways To Improve Your (Fashion) Drawing Skills!

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR (FASHION) DRAWING SKILLS? I'm not a fashion illustrator, but I am a person who has managed to improve one's fashion drawing skills, so I feel I can contribute something to this subject. Today I want to share with you how I did it. Learning more about fashion drawing is something I did for my own personal satisfaction, but I can't deny there were some other benefits. For example, I gifted a lot of my drawings and made some people happy in the process. I didn't know so many people like fashion illustration so much. A handmade fashion drawing is actually a great gift idea.I even sold one or two of my fashion drawings, and getting better at fashion illustrations also provided me for additional content for my fashion blog, so that's been fabulous. It's been a rewarding experience on many levels. If you want to find out more, scroll down and read tips for improving one's fashion drawing skills! My illustration of VW design 1. PRAC...