How to get to Blidinje? Kako doći do Blidinja?

Last August, we visited nature park Blidinje. That is what I will be talking about, not just today but for the next few days. You'll get to know a bit about this nature park, that covers 364 km2. If you can't wait for my next post, you can read more about it on this page , or you can visit this old post of mine . That fist visit was during Winter and this one was obviously during Summer. I can't wait to experience this amazing place in Spring and Autumn as well. Anyhow, we drove there by car, passing through one of the most beautiful canyons in the world, the canyon of river Neretva. I always love driving through this canyon. Prošloga kolovoza posjetili smo park prirode Blidinje. O tome ću pričati, ne samo danas već nekoliko idućih dana. Saznat ćete ponešto o ovome parku prirode koju pokriva površinu od 364 km2. Ukoliko ste nestrpljivi, možete o Blidinju pročitati više na ovoj stranici ili možete posjetiti ovaj moj stari post . Moj prvi posjet bio je zimi, a ovaj...