It has been a while since my last reading update, hasn't it? I love writing book reviews and you seem to like reading them so I'm back with a new reading update. Today I'll share book reviews for three very different novels with you. The first one is a science fiction novel written by two North American writers. This novel doesn't take itself too seriously and is a fun read. The second book recommendation is a bestseller: an emotional novel by an Afghan-American writer and doctor. The third novel I reviewed a dark comedy novel by a Finish author. I'm also going to show you a few ways to wear a cherry print dress in winter. Scroll down to see and read more! IF AT FAUST YOU DON'T SUCCEED BY ROGER ZELANZY AND ROBERT SHECKLEY 4/5 If at Faust You Don't Succeed is a religious satire of sorts, so it might be offensive to some who are easily offended. That being said, I think it's a great novel. I do like how Roger can make fun of religious conc...