Fashion Illustrations in Pencil + My Answer To Drawing With or Without a Reference Dilemma.

Hello everyone! How are you? Are you enjoying the weekend? I hope you are. I won't take too much of your leisure time today, I'm just going to share with you two of my new fashion illustrations. This time the medium is pencil on paper. I used my own outfits as a reference for these two pencil fashion illustrations. Using a reference is a good way to improve one's drawing and rendering skills. On the other hand, drawing without a reference is a good way to improve one's imagination. My answer to this 'reference or no reference dilemma' is to do both. We should always find new ways to challenge ourselves, because that is how we improve our skills. I draw from my imagination often enough, so I figured there is no harm in using references more often. In the past, I avoided using reference because I always had so much ideas in my head that I felt like a reference would only be getting in the way, but now I realized that there are many ways to be creative. You ...