Time for reading..... The Golem's Eye by Jonathan Stroud (book recommendation and review)

Does this novel has a cool cover or what? It came really handy when I accidentely dropped the book in the sink while I was blow drying my hair. Well, fortunately this 3D cover protected the book from being damaged by the water (a good thing since I borrowed this book from the library and would hate to give it back in bad state). Anyhow, a lesson learned there! Take it from me, it is not possible to blow dry your hair and read at the same time. It simply isn't possible. We don't have 3 hands, so no we can't hold a brush, a hair dryer and a book at the same time. Unless we can do magic. This is what this book is all about. It is a fantasy novel, a sequel to The Amulet of Samarkard (published in 2003) that I actually mentioned about a year ago on this blog. It is my second novel by this British author but not the last one because I do plan to read all the sequels, and perhaps others works by Stroud as well. Jonathan Stroud seems to me my kind of writer. There are a lot of...