A Commissioned Painting: Grandmother, Daughter and Grandson With the Dog ( Medium: Acrylic Paints on Canvas)

As promised, today I'm sharing a commissioned family portrait, the one I have recently written about. The painting is all finished and I'm quite happy with the result. I was supposed to draw three people: grandmother, daughter and the daughter's baby (i.e the grandson). In addition, I also needed to portray one animal and that's would be the family dog. As you can see, it is a very busy painting. Basically, it is a portrait of a grandmother, a daughter and a grandson with the family dog. I had spent a lot of time studying the photograph I was given and deciding on the proportions and the composition. Before I even started working on the painting, I had made three pencil sketches and one carbon sketch on paper. Only then did I proceed to do make a final carbon sketch on the canvas. Besides the obvious challenges, there were also many details I needed to pay attention to. The light was especially challenging. I have spent so much time doing the drapes and trying to cap...