Asymmetrical bob (hairstyle illustration) / Asimetrični bob (ilustracija frizure)

EN Besides illustrating clothes, there is something else I enjoy illustrating and that something else would be- hairstyles. Why not? You know what they say. Hair is one of the first things people notice about us (apart from our faces). Women have a special bond with their hair. Perhaps they always have had. Most old European societies believed that female hair is magical, hence it was expected of a married women to bound her hair. Walking around with one's hair loose was something that simply wasn't done if you were an adult of feminine gender. Today we can wear whatever hairstyle we want. Or can we? Well, in our free time we can wear whatever hairstyle we want, but some work places have strict rules about grooming and allow only certain hairstyles. However, it is not like someone is going to accuse us of witchcraft if we let our hair loose. So, we're pretty much free to do what we want with our hair- in our free time at least. HR Osim ilustriranja odjeće, volim...