
Showing posts from September 7, 2013

Different ways to wear a scarf/ Različiti načini za nositi rubac

 All of these photographs were taken in the course of one long and eventful day on various locations in Herzegovina. I used the scarf in various ways, depending on what I wanted or needed...for example to be completely protected from the sun you can wrap your scarf around your hat as I did in the first photo. The possibilities are endless, you can tie it any way you like or even make a turban out of it. Every women should have (at least) one scarf she is crazy about in her closet. This is one accessory that can really be used in so many different ways. Različiti načini za nositi rubac...kao šal, kao turban...ima puno mogućnosti i sve možete prilagoditi namjeri...npr. želite li se zaštiti od sunca možete ga nositi preko šešira kao što sam ja uradila na prvoj slici. Sve su fotografije snimljene istog dana i jednostavno sam vezivala rubac tako kako mi je u tom trenutku odgovaralo. Svaka bi žena trebala imati (barem) jedan rubac (maramu) u ormaru koji joj se doista sviđa j...