Summer Sunday (outfit post) / Ljetna nedjelja (odjevna kombinacija) MOSTAR
Summer days.... I love summer so everything about being wearing no make up...Is there anything that beats weekend in the summer time? Summer Sunday, now that even sounds good! How was your Sunday? I've finished mine with a nice long walk with my puppy. She is so full of energy that I have to walk her a lot...and already I work with her, training her every day, which I don't mind because I really like animals. Besides, one day she will be a really big dog and I must be able to handle her by then....btw I really like this top so much, my mum made it...isn't she great? xoxo If you have any questions or want to comment on Kako volim ljeto! stalno biti nositi šminku...Ima li što bolje od vikenda ljeti? Ljetna nedjelja...kako to dobro zvuči:) Kakva je bila vaša nedljela? Moje je završila sa lijepom dugom šetnjom sa malom vučkom. Tako je puna energije da je moram često šetati...i već sam počela r...