Summer fashion illustration (green swimwear )- Ljetna modna ilustracija (zeleni kupaći kostim)

Today I'm back with another swimwear fashion illustration. Well, actually it is more a sketch, but I like how it turned out. Lately I've been feeling inspired to draw swimsuits. Maybe it is because of the fact that I haven't had a single beach day this Summer, so I'm lusting after seaside. It is almost mid August and I haven't as much as dipped my toe in the sea. Lucky me, ha? Anyhow, this time I illustrated a green one piece swimsuit. The medium is coloured pencils on printing paper (not the best option, but I've been too sick to go to the art store). Danas sam opet tu s još jednom modnom ilustracijom kupaćega kostima. Zapravo je više kao skica, ali sviđa mi se kako je ispala. U zadnje vrijeme me hvata inspiracija za crtanje kostima. Možda je to zbog toga her nisam ovo ljeto nijedan dan bila na plaži. Skoro je sredina kolovoza, a ja nisam ni smočila prst u more. Baš imam sreće ove godine. Uglavnom, ovaj put sam ilustrirala jednodijelni zeleni kupaći kosti,...