What To See and Do in Hutovo Blato Nature Park in Summer? Exploring Bosnia and Herzegovina's Hidden Gems #1

What you know, Europe still has its fair share of secret spots! Seeing these photographs, you'd think I was somewhere in a tropical jungle of some sorts, but you'd be wrong as these images were taken in Hutovo blato , a nature park and bird reservoir located in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is quite close to border with Croatia, so if you're visiting our Adriatic coast, do consider stopping by here as well. Hutovo Blato is mostly composed of marshlands (wetlands) and it is a stunning natural area to visit. The photographs I'm sharing today were taken a year ago, the last time I visited this bird & nature park during summer. My visits to this nature park have been numerous indeed. The reasons for that is very simple: I really like it there. So, today I wanted to share with you all the things I love about this park and inform you about all the fun things you can do there during the summer. In case you don't already know about it, Hutovo Blato has a lot to offer. T...