Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers! Happy first day of Winter! It's time to bid Autumn/Fall goodbye and welcome the coldest season. What does that mean for fashion? It's time to pull out our winter coats (if we already haven't) and our accessories. Speaking of winter coats, today post is going to be devoted to one camel coat. My husband bought this coat for me in 2019 in some department store in Germany. Thank you sir husband! Initially, I was a bit worried that the coat in camel colour (that is so close to my natural skin colour) will wash me out, but I ended up wearing this coat a lot. Now, it's one of most worn coats in my wardrobe. In this post, I'll show you 33 different ways to style this coat. I'll also talk a bit about the camel colour. Is camel a shade of orange or brown? I found opposing views on the topic. Perhaps there are two versions of it: camel orange and camel brown. I did take art courses, but I didn't actually study art traditionall...