Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers! Time for another post in Travel With My Art series. More precisely, it's the thirty-forth post in this series. As you might know, Travel With My Art is a regular feature on my blog focused on my location and destination art. Started in 2020, Travel With My Art feature continues to inspired me to paint both places I have visited and places I would like to visit. Most of the 'travel' paintings I shared here on my blog are no longer with me, but thanks to technology you can still enjoy browsing them digitally. This artistic feature on my blog enables me not only to share my paintings of places that inspire me, but to write about them as well. It's been a source of joy, let me tell you. Not that I haven't worked hard at it. To produce art on even remotely regular basis you have to be both consistent and hard-working. Sure, some of the paintings I shared are more quick sketches than an...