Fashion illustration of the day- a two piece / Modna ilustracija dana - dvodijelni

Sorry for the long absence, I was ill. Today I will just share this drawing of a swimsuit (that I made about a month ago). I'm not sure when I will manage to get back to regular posting. I'm behind on everything, but well- that's life. Oprostite što me dugo nije bilo, bila sam bolesna. Danas ću samo podijetiti ovaj crtež kupaćega (koji sam nacrtala prije otprilike mjesec dana). Nisam sigurna kada ću se vratiti redovitom objavljivanju. U zaustaku sam sa svime, ali što se može-takav je život. post update....I added a few more of my fashion illustrations! Do you want to see more summer and swimsuit inspired illustrations? 1) 2) 3) 4)