
Showing posts from April 16, 2015

Kravice (part 2) / Kravice (drugi dio)

Sometimes in life you do everything right, but it all falls to pieces and sometimes you make the most stupid mistake yet you manage to get away with it. No telling what tomorrow is bringing and it makes us forever hopeful and forever anxious. We hate to admit it, but things are often out of our control. Sometimes we just need to take a moment and laugh at it all, laught at the irony of life and the inevitable failures...laugh at the pain, the disappointments and the cruelty. Without a sense of humour ,that is to be honest quite dark at times, I don't know where I would be. My ability to laugh at everything, myself included, is what gets me trough the worst days. Ponekad u životu učinite sve kako treba, ali sve krene naopako, a ponekad napravite najgluplju moguću pogrješku i  nikom ništa. Nema načina da se sazna što će se dogoditi sutra, a to nas čini ujedno punima nade i brige. Mrzimo to priznati, ali stvari često nisu pod našom kont...