My art lately- classical themes (Madonna with the baby Jesus 1 and 2)

I've been painting all my life and I still feel like I have so much to learn. That's the thing about painting, it's so full of possibilities and there are so many different mediums out there that a part of you always feels like a beginner, even when you have degrees that prove otherwise. Painting, sometimes it feels wonderful and sometimes frustrating, but I guess that what they say is true, when you love something, you find time for it. Lately I've been working on some classical themes, looking up to 16 century painters and perhaps also trying to interpret their works in my own way. Today I'm sharing two recent works of mine. They are not reproductions ( I do enough of those at art courses), but they are inspired by classical paintings. 1. MADONNA WITH THE BABY JESUS #1 The medium for this one is acrylic paints on cardboard. I added finishing touches with a marker, so technically speaking this painting is a mixed media one. I'm pretty happy with how it...