Some time last month, we decided to pay Arkada hotel in Stari grad (on island) Hvar a visit. Arkada hotel is quite visible from the spot where the ferry docks, being right across the bay. Every time I would wait for the ferry I could see this white hotel standing out against the green pine forest that surrounds it. This white hotel always looked kind of ethereal to me. So, naturally I was always curious to see it. Since I'm based on island Hvar, I decided to pop by for a quick view. Obviously, the hotel Arkada isn't open right now. It might be open during the summer season but nothing is certain with this coronavirus thing. I'm not sure is it normally open this time of year either. At any rate, it wouldn't have been open with this virus thing. We stopped for a quick view and then explored the bays and beaches near the hotel. As I already told you, I'm taking this mission to show you the most beautiful bays on island Hvar very seriously. There are several lovely bay...