One special blouse/ Jedna posebna bluza ( outfit post/ odjevna objava)
This is one of my favourite streets in Mostar. I'm wearing one one of my favourite vintage blouses. Did I do well to pair it with this skirt? I love wearing vintage. When you walk down the street knowing that the chances that someone else will wear exactly the same thing are slim, it makes you feel kind of special. doesn't it? It was about 39 degrees Celsius when these photographs were taken, but that's almost mild when it comes to Mostar. Most other cities would collapse faced with these kind of temperatures, but not Mostar. This city is special, that's for sure. Ovo mi je jedna od najdražih ulica u Mostaru. Nosim jednu od svojih najdražih vintage bluza. Jesam li je dobro iskombinirala s ovom suknjom? Volim nositi vintage stvari. Kada hodaš ulicom znajući da su šanse da će netko drugi nositi posve istu stvar male, onda to čini da se osjećaš pomalo posebno, zar ne? Bilo je oko 39 stupnjeva kada smo se slikali, ali i to je skoro pa blago za Mostar. Većina drugih ...