Back in time (ethno village Herzegovina) / Put u prošlost..... (etno selo Hercegovina)

Do you ever wish you could travel back in time? Time travel is a very popular theme in science fiction. I can't tell you how many novels about time travel I have read so far. However, that is not what I wanted to talk about. Advancement of technology may very well allow us to physically travel back in time some day but there are other way to travel back in time. Our mind can take us anywhere, as long as we know how to use it. Yesterday I read one famous classic (my review here ). While I was reading that outstanding classic, I felt like I was travelling back in time. Speaking of travelling back in time, some places might take us back in time. You know, every time I visit this little touristic village (still under construction) in Medugorje (Bosnia and Herzegovina), I feel like I have indeed travelled back in time. I suppose that is might be one of the reasons why I keep coming back here. Poželite li ikada da možete putovati u prošlost? Putovanje vremenom je ...