Bez Trećega/ Without the third (person)...MILAN BEGOVIĆ
Yesterday I went to see a wonder play here in Mostar. It was performed by guest actors from Zadar and their performance was outstanding. Without Third by Milan Begović is a play that questions relationship between a man and a women. As the play says, for jealously just as for love, two is enough...the third is not needed. Even without just cause, jealousy can appear... Milan Begović is one of my favourite writers because he is so good at understanding the soul of a women. Below you can see what I had worn. Jučer sam bila na divnoj predstavi ovdje u Mostaru. Bez Trećega, drama Milana Begovića zasjala je u punom sjaju u izvedbi glumaca iz HNK Zadar. Kao što drama kaže, za ljubomoru kao i za ljubav dvoje je dovoljno...treći nije potreban. Čak i kada nema povoda za ljubomoru, ona se može pojaviti. Milan Begović jedan mi je od najdražih pisaca jer tako dobro razumije dušu žene. Ispod možete vidjeti što sam nosila. YOU CAN ...