Hello! How are you doing? I've been working hard writing and preparing new content for this little digital place to call my own. I have a lot of interesting projects in the making, book reviews and different articles to finish up and polish before publishing. In the meantime, I decided to share a few more simple fashion sketches and illustrations with you. Therefore, today I'm back with another FASHION ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY post. As you might know, I often post my fashion art on Friday. You could even say it is somewhat of a regular feature on my blog. I envisioned this post to be light and easy. There will be plenty of more substantial, intellectual and even borderline academic posts in the future. In this post, we'll talk about transitional fashion. I'll let you take a peek in my sketchbook and see a variety of my sketches. Sketchbooks are often like creative diaries. They give insight in what is happening in someone's head. The spring has officially arrived but...