May recap / sažetak svibnja

1 . / 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. I've dedicated a lot of energy to this blog last month. Inspired by Kezzie's BEDIM , I set up a number of challenges for myself, (I managed to published 35 posts last month! is that too much?) some of those projects I'm working on are still to be revealed...let's just say I kept busy in May. I have illustrated 7 fashion bloggers and I'm really happy about that because 'Inspired by' is one feature of my blog that I work really hard on maintaining. Personally I love doing this feature and if your comments are to judge, you love to see it! Puno sam energije uložila u ovaj blog prošlog mjeseca. Nadahnula me Kezzie i njen izazov objavljivanja svakog da...